There are great benefits to giving for both you and our church. . .
Pay online through CCB. You can make a one time payment or setup an ongoing gift.
Make checks payable to "CrossHaven Church" and mail to:
CrossHaven Church
61 Brighton Park Dr.
St. Charles, MO 63303
Also, you can set up automated bill pay through your bank's website so the bank will mail your checks for you.
Offering box.
Give by cash or check by placing your gift in the offering box at the back of the worship area. Envelopes are available at the table.
Benefits to Online Giving
There are great benefits to online giving for both you and our church. . .
Faithfully Honoring God – When you sign up to give online you are deciding in advance to faithfully give. God always blesses that kind of faith! The Bible teaches that we are to honor God with the “First Fruits” of our labor (Proverbs 3:9). By setting up a recurring contribution that is scheduled to come out of your account on the day you specify, you can ensure that your First Fruits are faithfully given back to God.
Simplicity – You won’t have to remember whether you gave this month or send in an offering by mail when you’re on a trip. Plus, you can easily track and adjust your giving at any time.
Security – We utilize a secure website for your online records. Online giving is more secure than giving with a check or cash because an electronic gift can’t be lost or stolen.
Focus – Instead of having to worry about writing a check and filling out an envelope during the service, you can be fully focused on the worship service, knowing that you have already given your offering.
Helping CrossHaven – Online giving is more cost effective for our church to process, and it makes our record keeping much easier.
A note about credit cards…
While we allow the use of credit cards for giving, we still strongly encourage the use of bank transfers rather than credit card for two primary reasons:
Although many pay off their credit cards each month, many also do not. We do not want to encourage someone to go into debt and pay interest on gifts given to the church.
With bank transfer, your entire gift goes to the church. When using a credit card, the church pays as much as 3% to the credit card company.